Saturday 27 December 2008

#8 - Preparing

Following suit of the returning Americans, I have started to organise and pack up my things ready to take home. I have realised that although I am leaving in January, that is about 2 weeks away, and there is quite a lot of stuff I have to try to organise into my suitcase and bags so that I don'thave to throw a lot away. So far I have done nearly all my books and papers. I think I narrowed it down alright. I'm only really keeping the text books and other sheets and folders. The rest of the class content, like quizzes and dictations etc I am throwing away - I have no need for them.

I still havn't been to Nara yet, and I really would like to go and take photos because it seems everyone else has gone, and it is close so it's not a massive way to go.

Yesterday I made some slideshow films for my youtube, so if anyone wants to see them then just go to my channel - Hope you enjoy!

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